In today’s world, there is no “work-life balance.” The stresses of each day are not contained to just one part of our life, and it is up to us to keep balanced. We are all just trying to integrate our work with our life.
If any one of these 8 dimensions is depleted, you might feel overwhelmed. This graphic will help you understand what is within your control and what you can start to release. Conducting a daily wellness check can assist you in continuing to refill your tank for self-awareness and self-preservation.
Daily Wellness Check!
Take a few minutes to reflect on your wellness dimensions
Make a note on a post-it for each
Place the post-its someplace visible.
Then Consider…
Where am I overwhelmed?
Which dimensions are most depleted?
What’s within my control?
What can I let go of that will allow me to breathe?
Our Approach
We’ve discovered and continue to integrate these dimensions of wellness into our work to help people in the workplace be focused on the changes you want to make. These dimensions are integral parts of everything we do here at Radiance Resources.